PTE Skill Profile Analysis
Recently, we’ve got a lot of students had PTE tests and had no ideas what to do with the transcript. Since the revolution of the test in November last year, many students only knew the score for reading, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but neglect the skill profile at the bottom of the transcript in the web version, which can actually provide us with a lot of information about your test performance, especially which types of high-score questions you have problems with.

Today, Xiaoxi will teach you to understand what is wrong with your exam performance based on our teachers’ exam experience and the analysis of your classmates’ transcripts⚠️

The first is called Open Response Speaking and Writing
It is currently speculated that this item is reflected based on the following question types: DI/RL/SWT/WE/SST
When we compared the profiles of many candidates, we found that the recommendations for different score segments are not the same! Therefore, it is recommended that you take a closer look at your own analysis. We have summarized the main points for you:
Reading skills: understand or infer the opinions and attitudes of authors; find key information; guess the meaning of new words; find the correct sequence of events; can summarise articles well
Writing Skills: Reasonably and fluently express structure; cite academic evidence to support ideas; check spelling, punctuation and grammar; use different vocabulary to express minor differences in meaning; use conjunctions to express essay structure
Lectures and discussions: Arguing academic topics; expressing logic with logical words; expressing opinions with various grammatical structures; discussing information about diagrams; describing professional information; making summaries
Listening skills: find the key points of the article and the author’s point of view; identify facts and opinions; summarise key information and describe the information.

The second is Reproducing spoken or written information 💬
Currently based on the following recommendations, it is presumed that this item reflects: RA/RS/RL/SWT/SST/WFD
Skills required: Find key information and supporting information; grasp key words; understand author’s opinions and attitudes; understand the sequence of events; judge active and passive voice; guess meaning of new words from context; read text with correct tone and accent.

Next item Extended writing✏️
It is currently speculated that this item is reflected according to the following suggestions: SWT/WE/SST
Reading skills: judge the author’s attitude; scan the article to find the key points and supporting points; pay attention to the logical connectives of the article;
Listening skills: understand the main ideas and supporting points of the article
Writing Skills: Ability to express contrasting ideas; essay begins with the strongest possible expression; can compare and explain.

Next Short Writing✒️
It is currently speculated that this is reflected in the following suggestions: SWT/SST
Reading and writing skills: understand the purpose and tone of the essay; find the main line of the argument; understand the key points and supporting points; find examples that support the argument; present the key points.

Extended Speaking✒️
It is currently speculated that this is reflected in the following suggestions: DI/RL
Can discuss academic topics; can use structure to express ideas; can use conjunctions; use grammar/vocabulary breadth; can discuss and describe pictures with friends; can draw conclusions; can understand key points of academic texts.

Next Short Speaking ✒️
It is currently speculated that this is reflected in the following recommendations: RA/RS/RL
Listening Ability: Can understand key points; pay attention to speaker’s intonation and stress
Reading skills: understand the main points of the text; guess unknown words; pay attention to the author’s point of view; read aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress.

The next item is Multiple-skills comprehension
It is currently speculated that this item reflects the following suggestions: Multiple cross-scoring question types (RA/RS/RL/SWT/FIB(R&W)/SST/WFD)
Listening skills: understand the structure of the text; identify examples and key points; infer the meaning of new words; be able to take notes
Reading skills: distinguish opinion and fact; identify key points and supporting points.

The last item is Single-skill comprehension
At present, it is speculated that this item is reflected according to the following suggestions: single-skill question type (DI/FIB (drag and drop)/reading and listening multiple choice questions)
Listening skills: understanding the speaker’s point of view, emotion and attitude; finding specific information needed
Reading skills: identify key points of topic sentence comprehension; understand the relationship between information points and examples
These speculations are based on the examination experience of Walnut Education teachers and the conclusions drawn from the analysis of our students’ transcripts. The analysis only represents our personal opinions, and the official test organization did not announce the detailed explanation. As far as the analysis of the transcripts of our students is well concerned and the adjustment of examination strategies are properly made, all the analysis is effective. I hope that everyone can quickly adjust and sprint again after knowing their own problems!
Of course, if you have major problems with your English skills, you can also make an appointment for our one-on-one assessment service! More exclusive one-to-one courses are tailored for you!
Tag:PTE, PTE Skill Profile