PTE学术英语考试(Pearson Test of English Academic)是一种国际认可的机考英语语言测试,适用于留学、移民及其他需要英语语言能力认证的场合。考试全程在电脑上完成,评分由人工智能系统进行评估,确保结果公平客观。
The Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) is a globally recognised computer-based English language test designed for study, migration, and other contexts requiring English proficiency certification. The entire test is conducted on a computer, and scoring is evaluated by an AI system, ensuring fairness and objectivity.
PTE heavily focuses on the application of strategies and practice with past test materials (referred to as “question banks”), making it essential to adopt the correct preparation methods and practise consistently. This practice material is part of Walnut English’s guaranteed-pass course and is tailored to help students strengthen core skills. It is also available to non-Walnut English students. If you have any questions during practice, feel free to contact us for support.
PTE 入门练习 Introduction
Essay Introduction 入门练习
练习思考观点,练习套模板完成写作,练习打字速度等。务必发给老师看一下保证练习方向正确。 Practise developing your ideas, applying templates to complete your writing tasks, and improving...
RA Introduction 入门练习
RA是分值非常大的题型,学完入门技巧后,请每天练习一组RA Intro,之后练习RA145和RA177。务必多听范本、尝试跟读、多查单词,提升自己的语音语调,单词重音、失爆、连读等。RA (Read Aloud) is a highly weighted question type. After learning the basic...
RL Introduction 入门练习
努力练习记笔记,套适合的模板,气息平稳且有语调起伏、流利得概述讲座内容。务必发给老师听一下保证练习方向正确。Work hard on practising note-taking and applying suitable templates. Ensure your delivery is steady,...
RS Introduction 入门练习
完成入门的4组练习,之后练习RS的必练348以及各年的经典题目。Finish practising 4 sets in the Introduction course and then move on to RS...
SST Introduction 入门练习
努力练习记笔记,并且熟悉机经。尝试进行写作,修改语法。务必发给老师看一下保证练习方向正确。 Keep working on taking notes diligently and familiarising yourself with past SST questions....
SWT Introduction 入门练习
SWT 需要找到关键信息,并串联成一句话,注意是否是一句完整的话决定了这个题目是不是可以拿到分数哦!字数也务必需要满足要求。大家加油练习哇!For SWT (Summarise Written Text), focus on identifying the key information and linking...
WFD Introduction 入门练习
WFD是一个分值非常大的题,需要在整场考试的最后留出充足的时间并且尽量保证每个句子、每个词都是正确的。所以务必多做练习,熟悉机经。练习完入门训练以后就可以练习WFD Classics的几组练习。Practice with Introduction sets and then move on to WFD Classics. This is...

PTE 各题型备考策略